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Kremwerk x Budget Cuts Livestream


Budget Cuts is hacking into the Kremwerk mainframe to present an evening of live electronics connecting the far reaches of the American underground. See you in the fifth dimension of cyberspace on August 21st, 2020 

Julius Theory (PDX)

Bardo:Basho (PDX)

Alien D (NYC)

Varial (LA)

Suggested $5 donation
Funds will be supporting
Rainier Scholars & Kremwerk Staff relief

Seattle - 9:00PM
Mexico City - 11:00PM
New York - 12:00AM
London - 5:00AM
Berlin - 6:00AM
Moscow - 7:00AM
Tokyo - 1:00PM (08/22/2020)
Melbourne - 2:00PM (08/22/2020)

Poster Design by Parks Perdue

Follow us on Instagram for more streaming event updates and Krem content

See you on the web 


Kremwerk strives to be a safe space, even on the internet. The following actions or display of behavior will not be tolerated: bigotry, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, ableism, and any hateful comments on our live streams.

Earlier Event: August 15
Kremwerk x Rough Draft Livestream