Proof of vaccination is required to attend the venue. Read more:
From the deranged mind of Seattle's Kinky Comedy Queen [Bobby Higley] comes a Kinky Queer Comedy show!!
Slutty Santa Sourie edition!!
Wear Kink or Coven theme, & get 2 tickets for 20$ at door!!!
-This is a sexy show, but it is in no way a sex show! There will be no nudity, and no one will be made to feel uncomfortable or ashamed.
-There will be no photos until after the show. Photos will be taken by the incredible staff Photographer
-Because (_-CONSENT IS LIT AF BB-_) we have a one-strike rule: break the rules, you will be escorted out. The lovely staff don't take kindly to a**holes, creeps, homophobes, transphobes, MAGA hats, and dumba rule-breaking hooligans!
-There will be some built-in audience participation, and we want it enthusiastic, playful, and SHAME FREE!! That includes the comics! Now, there's just the fun stuff left!!!
-The kinks are playful demonstrations & interpretations, so nothing X Rated or too sExUal GASP. We use the Green-Red light system with both our comics & audience.