Hosted by Fran Zia and Ava Magnum, Funbox is a monthly themed drag show featuring drag performances inspired
by geeky pop culture. Our theme this month is Halloween! Feel free to come in costume and celebrate the best month
of the year with our cast!
**Performances by**
Fran Zia
Ava Magnum
Solana Solstice
Kung Pow Meow
Troia Prince
Melissa Flint
SAFER SPACE The following actions or displays of behavior will not be tolerated: bigotry, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, and ableism.
CONSENT Consent is required when interacting with others. A person’s choice of self-expression is not an invitation for non-consensual touching. Any form of harassment including leering, rude comments or touching will be dealt with, and anyone caught harassing other patrons will be given a lifetime ban from our club. Our staff is here to support you.
PHONES For the sake of the vibe during dance parties, we ask that you avoid using your phones or taking photos anywhere on the dance floor. Feel free to use your phones on the patio.
To stay in the loop about upcoming events, ticket giveaways, and more, sign up for the Kremwerk + Cherry + Timbre Room Complex mailing list!
Timbre Room is ADA accessible has access to the back door/dance area through separate entrance on Minor St. ADA entrance to the patio is through the main entrance. Two closed accessible gender-neutral restrooms are available.
For any questions about safety & accessibility, please email
This is an 21+ event