Here at The Barn, we value TIGHT and LOOSE lip syncs. lip syncs that make you LAUGH CRY SCREAM LOOK AWAY and feel some sort of way. The Critter Person Pageant is here to SHOWCASE favorite Critter Barn acts as they try to seal the real deal of being the ONLY FEATURED PERFORMER at every Critter Barn in the next year. No one is safe. NOT EVEN critter barn veteran BUTYLENE O’KIPPLE bad mommies, lip sync baby HELLEN TRAGEDY try out winner IRENE DUBOIS never ever tried out JADE DYNASTY strange and fantastic MISS TEXAS 1988
Performance Categories: "Starter Pack” -What items, traits, gags, stunts, are truly YOU? This performance should be very YOU! WHO ARE YOU?! “I think I could do your number better.” -Competitor performs a number performed by a local entertainer that they think they could have done better.
Scoring: -Judges are each given a 10 point score sheet for each performance -Audience choice gets awarded a bonus based on place: (1st->10 points) (2nd->8 points) (3rd->6 points)